"you should add the dream sequence from Michael Haneke's "Amour", it's one of the most accurate/scariest depictions of a nightmare i've seen in a movie."
"1. Raging Bull 2. Mean Streets 3. Taxi Driver"
"1. Zodiac 2. The Social Network 3. Fight Club"
"1. Rushmore 2. Bottle Rocket 3. The Life Aquatic"
"1. The Master 2. Alps 3. Amour 4. The Comedy 5. Spring Breakers"
"1. The Lonesome Crowded West- Modest Mouse 2. Hail to the Thief- Radiohead 3. In the Aeroplane Over the Sea- Neutral Milk Hotel 4. Elliott Smith- Elliott Smith 5. Surfer Rosa- Pixies 6. Hi How Are You"
"How about "Imprint" by Takashi Miike, possibly the scariest Masters of Horror i've ever seen."
"8- Never because Will Ferrell is the funniest man alive."
"Also, why does everyone here love inception so damn much?"
"1.Apocalypse Now 2.The Godfather (pts 1 and 2) 3.Alien 4.Punch Drunk Love 5.The Shining 6.Gummo 7.Pulp Fiction 8.The Science of Sleep 9.There Will Be Blood 10.Fargo"
"A few suggestions if you're still taking them http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xRzRbxd5YKA http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5IjnnDzmODk http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IVLP-URFgQo&feature=related http://ww"
"sweet list, however, I'm pretty sure the David Lynch coffee commercial is a parody and not directed by Lynch himself"
"1. There Will Be Blood 2. The Dark Knight 3. Punch Drunk Love 4. Enter the Void 5. The Host 6. Ghost World 7. Pan's Labyrinth 8. Inglorious Basterds 9. Donnie Darko 10. Big Fan"
"1.Alien 2.The Shining 3.Audition 4.Freaks 5.The Texas Chainsaw massacre 6.The Host 7.Funny Games 8.Hard Candy 9.Eraserhead 10.Cold Fish"
"umm, im pretty sure you just jacked this whole list from cracked.com"
"1. The Sopranos 2. mad men 3. Twin Peaks 4. Breaking Bad 5. Louie 6. Curb Your Enthusiasm 7. Trailer Park Boys 8. The Kingdom 9. Frisky Dingo 10. Seinfeld"
"My bad, I didnt see it was only supposed to be one, in which case I would narrow mine down to this http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rEeA7BdjteM"
"Ok got a few suggestions: -Pulp Fiction: The Gimp scene -There Will Be Blood: the very end or the church scene -Blue Velvet: In dreams - A Clockwork Orange: Singin in the rain -Office Space: Bashing "
"Iggy Pop may be ugly but he's still a goddamn boss"
"I seriously think you need to watch Gummo the rest of the way through, one of my all time favorites"
"Great choices on here especially mother and magnolia, but what in the world don't you like about lost in translation?"